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Privacy Policies

Article 1 General Provisions

  1. Your personal information protection is very important on this site, and we comply with the privacy regulations in the 『Information and Communications Network Utilization Promotion Act』 and the 『Privacy Guidelines』 established by the Ministry of Information and Communication.

  2. This site informs you of the purpose and method of personal information provided by you through the Privacy Policy and what actions are being taken to protect personal information.

  3. .This site makes it easy for you to view the privacy policy at any time by releasing it at the bottom of the first screen of the website.

  4. This site will be notified through the website notice (or individual notice) when the privacy policy is revised.


Article 2 Agreement on the Collection of Personal Information

We believe that you have agreed to collect personal information by clicking the 「I agree」 button or 「I disagree」 button for the privacy policy or the terms and conditions of this website.


Article 3 Purpose of Collection and Utilization of Personal Information

  1. This site collects personal information for the following purposes:​​

    • Recruit applicants for online and offline events

    • Distribution of newsletter

  2. However, sensitive personal information (such as race and ethnicity, ideology and creed, origin and place of origin, political orientation and criminal record, health status and sex life) that may violate users' basic human rights is not collected.


Article 4 Personal information items collected

This site collects the following personal information for online and offline event participation and newsletters.

  1. Collections : Name, email address

  2. Personal Information Collection Method: Homepage

Article 5 Matters concerning the installation, operation, and refusal of the automatic collection of personal information

This site uses Cookie, which stores and frequently finds information about you. Cookies are a small amount of information that the website sends to your computer browser (netscape, Internet Explorer, etc.). Once you access the website, your computer will be able to read the cookies in your browser, find your additional information on your computer, and provide you with the service without further input, such as your name.

Cookies identify your computer, but not you personally. You also have a choice of cookies. By adjusting your web browser's options, you have the option to accept all cookies, send a notification when the cookies are installed, or reject all cookies.

  1. Purpose of use, such as cookies: To provide targeted marketing and personalized services by analyzing the frequency of users' access and visiting time, identifying their tastes and interests, tracking their own interests, and identifying the degree of participation in various events and the number of visits.

  2. How to Deny Cookie Settings: By choosing the option in your web browser, you can allow all cookies, go through confirmation each time you save cookies, or refuse to save all cookies.

  3. Example of how to set up : → Tools at the top of the web browser > Internet Options > Personal information.

  4. However, if you refuse to install cookies, you may have difficulty providing the service.


Article 6 Use beyond purpose and provision to third parties

  1. This site uses your personal information within the scope notified by "Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information" and does not use it beyond the same scope or provide it to others or other companies or institutions.

  2. However, for better service delivery, you can provide your personal information to or share it with your partner. If you provide or share personal information, you will be notified in advance by e-mail and letter regarding who your partner is, what your personal information is provided or shared, why such personal information should be provided or shared, and when and how it is protected and managed, and if you do not agree, you will not provide it to or share it with your partner.

  3. In addition, the user's personal information is not provided externally in principle, except in the following cases.

    • In case the users agree in advance.

    • Where there is a request from the investigative agency in accordance with the provisions of the Act or in accordance with the procedures and methods prescribed in the Act for investigation purposes.


Article 7 Reading and correcting personal information

  1. You may request and correct your registered personal information at any time. If you want to view or correct your personal information, please contact the person in charge of personal information management via e-mail.

  2. If you request correction of personal information errors, we will not use the personal information until the correction is completed.


Article 8 Resignation of consent for the collection, utilization and provision of personal information

  1. You may withdraw your consent to the collection, use and provision of personal information at any time. If you contact the person in charge of personal information management via e-mail, we will immediately delete personal information and take necessary measures.

  2. This site will take necessary measures to exercise the withdrawal of consent for the collection of personal information in the same way and procedures as the collection of personal information.


Article 9 The period of possession and use of personal information 

  1. In principle, after the purpose of personal information collection and utilization is achieved, the information is destroyed without delay.

  2. In the event of an immediate failure to dispose of the product, please notify this site and proceed with the process of obtaining your consent.


Article 10 Procedures and methods for destruction of personal information

In principle, this site destroys such information without delay after the purpose of collecting and using personal information has been achieved. The destruction procedure and method are as follows.

  1. Disposal Procedure: The information you have entered is transferred to a separate DB after the purpose is achieved (in case of paper, a separate filing box) and destroyed after being stored for a certain period of time (see retention and use period) in accordance with the internal policy and other related statutes. Personal information transferred to a separate DB shall not be used for any purpose other than to be retained except by law.

  2. Deletion method: Personal information stored in electronic file format is deleted using a technical method that cannot be reproduced.


Article 11 Protection of Children's Personal Information

  1. This site is subject to the consent of the legal representative when collecting personal information of children under the age of 14.

  2. The legal representative of children under the age of 14 may request the child's personal information to be read, corrected or withdrawn, and upon such request, the site shall take necessary measures without delay.


Article 12 Technical measures for the protection of personal information

To ensure the safety of personal information in handling your personal information, the site is taking the following technical measures to ensure that personal information is not lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged. 

  1. Your personal information is protected by a password, and sensitive data is protected by a separate security feature using file and transfer data encryption or file lock.

  2. This site uses a vaccine program to prevent damage caused by computer viruses. The vaccine program is regularly updated and in the event of a sudden outbreak of a virus, the vaccine is immediately available to prevent personal information from being violated.

  3. To prevent the leakage of your personal information through hacking, etc., we are using a device to block outside intrusion.


Article 13 Consignment of Personal Information

This site may entrust your personal information to the outside world to improve your service.

  1. We will notify you in advance if we entrust your personal information.

  2. In the case of entrusting the processing of personal information, the details of the contract will be kept in writing or electronically by clearly stipulating the service provider's strict order for personal information protection, confidentiality of personal information, prohibition of third-party provision, and liability in the event of an accident.


Notice of matters concerning the provision of personal information to third parties

  1. The site provides collected personal information to third parties as follows:

Person who receives personal information: access communication

Personal information provided: name, email, phone number

Purpose of personal information use of recipients: On and offline events, Sending a Newsletter


Article 14 Collecting opinions and handling complaints

  1. This site provides a window for you to raise your opinions and complaints regarding privacy. If you have any complaints regarding personal information, please give your opinion to the person in charge of personal information management on this website and we will take action immediately upon receipt and notify you of the results of processing.

    • Name of person in charge of personal information management: Carol Park

      E-mail :

  2. Or, if you need to report or consult about any personal information infringement, please contact the following agency.

    • Personal Dispute Mediation Committee ( / 1336)

    • Commission for Certification of Information Protection Marks ( / 02-580-0533-4)

    • Supreme Prosecutors' Office Internet Crime Investigation Center ( / 02-3480-3600)

    • National Police Agency Cyber Terror Response Center ( / 02-392-0330)


the date of entry into force, etc. of a minor rule


    This policy will go into effect on June 12, 2020.

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